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Quads - four performers, poppers, video

2019 | 8 mins

quaderbate score crop.png

Performed by Jake Allen, Josh Kaye, Darragh Kelly, Dominic Veall

Roundhouse, London

5 December 2019

quads takes poppers and the sounds involved in that drug's use as its primary sound material, including sniffing, breathing, and the bottle's percussive capabilities. While the first movement is an acoustic, notated one, the second movement uses a time-based score in combination with a video and tape track.


quads video touches on the gay porn phenomena known as 'poppers trainers' or 'popperbate' videos, poppers as commodity, that commodity's fetishisation, and the urban built environment. 'Popperbating' as a solitary activity and the quartet's 'group fun' are played with as different sides of an erotic, aesthetic, absurd reflection upon contemporary sexuality and a palpable, embodied sexual politics.

The work references Andriessen and uses footage from Pornhub and Patrick Keiller's London, as well as a recording taken in Clonezone on Old Compton St.

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